Author: Earik Beann

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The other day, I had a very interesting experience. And although usually I try to keep this sort of thing to myself, this morning I’m really feeling an urge to write it down and share. Right now, I’m part of a startup venture with my wife. And, for anyone who’s ever been part of a startup, there’s a lot to stress out about on a day-to-day basis. What if this deal falls through? What if we can’t get enough customers on...

This is part of the Compassion in Action series. If you just found this and are wondering what’s going on, click here for chapter 1. Chapter 11 - Final Thoughts "Meditate, and be Realized." – Paramahamsa Hariharananda   In the first part of this book, there was a lot of discussion about Oneness and non-duality, the state where there is no separation. In the last two chapters, the discussion focused more on God as the Divine Beloved, which implies separation. You only get to have a soulmate...

This is part of the Compassion in Action series. If you just found this and are wondering what’s going on, click here for chapter 1. Chapter 10 - Why do Spiritual People Suffer? “My barn having burned to the ground, I can now see the moon.” — Mizuta Masahide   Back before I found Baba and learned Kriya, I spent quite a bit of time searching for the path I wanted to follow. I remember a meditation workshop that I attended where the instructor gave an interesting...

This is part of the Compassion in Action series. If you just found this and are wondering what’s going on, click here for chapter 1. Chapter 9 - What is Enlightenment? “When by the flood of your tears the inner and the outer have fused into one, you will find Her whom you sought with such anguish, nearer than the nearest, the very breath of life, the very core of every heart.”  ― Anandamayi Ma   In many books on spirituality, including this one, you’ll find all kinds of...

This is part of the Compassion in Action series. If you just found this and are wondering what’s going on, click here for chapter 1. Chapter 8 - Listening to the Inner Sound   “There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” – Rumi   If you’ve ever been to a Yoga class, odds are you chanted an OM at some point when you were there, although you pronounced it more like “AUM”. There are similar words in other traditions as well. Christianity puts an Amen at...

This is part of the Compassion in Action series. If you just found this and are wondering what’s going on, click here for chapter 1. CHAPTER 7 - Working with Pain and Pleasure “For the peaceful practice of meditation, It’s not necessary to go to the mountain retreat. Have the mind cleansed of the passions, And even the flames are cool and refreshing.” - Zen monk, spoken as he was being burned alive1   The meditations that we’ve been looking at so far have all been what I’d call active meditations,...

This is part of the Compassion in Action series. If you just found this and are wondering what’s going on, click here for chapter 1. CHAPTER 6 - WHO AM I?   “Our own self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world.” – Ramana Maharshi   When I was in my late teens, I was browsing through a metaphysical bookstore and was stopped in my tracks by a book with a really interesting looking man on the front. It was his expression, and something special about...

This is part of the Compassion in Action series. If you just found this and are wondering what’s going on, click here for chapter 1. Chapter 5 - Love Conquers All   “One word Frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love.” - Sophocles   Back when I was in college, I ended up getting a double major in Economics and Classics. I wanted to do something in the financial realm, so Economics seemed like a good fit, but I also was attracted to Classics...

This is part of the Compassion in Action series. If you just found this and are wondering what’s going on, click here for chapter 1. Chapter 4 - Ho'oponopono “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” - Rumi   Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len is a Hawaiian psychologist who practices and teaches a powerful healing process called Ho’oponopono. In the Compassion in Action group, we spent quite a few sessions practicing this technique, and many of the participants felt...

This is part of the Compassion in Action series. If you just found this and are wondering what’s going on, click here for chapter 1. Chapter 3 - Metta and the Inner Smile   “Radiate boundless love towards the entire world — above, below, and across — unhindered, without ill will, without enmity.” – The Buddha   When it comes to our emotional state, we can often trace how we feel in the moment back to specific events that occurred in the external world. However, as we saw...